Friday, 24 June 2016

Can you travel out with your pet

Can you travel out with your pet

If you  have a pet and when you have to travel out , it becomes more difficult to take your pet along with you  When making travel decisions,choose what is safest and most comfortable for your pet. For instance, unless you'll be able to spend a lot of time with your dog, he'll probably be happier at home than tagging along on your trip. As a rule, cats are almost always better off in their own home. First make all plan of how you are going to travel with your pet . yes it becomes very difficult to leave the pet  alone make ready your pet and see how you travel by train ,or by car ,or plane .make sure that your pet is safe and comfortable .Dogs and cats should always be kept safely inside the car. Pets who are allowed to stick their heads out the window can be injured by particles of debris or made sick by having cold air forced into their lungs. Never transport a pet in the back of an open pickup truck. If transporting your pet by air is the only option, find out whether he can travel in the cabin with you. Most airlines will allow you to take a cat or small dog in the cabin for an additional fee. But you must call the airline well in advance; there are limits to the number of animals allowed in the cabin. If you are transporting your dog, make sure she meets the size requirements. If you get overwhelmed by all the regulations, there are companies that can help you navigate through the process of flying with a pet.  

There are some rules to travel with your pooch … can travel with pet in ac first class but for this you have to book 2-4 seats or berths exclusively for personal and pet .  Passengers traveling in other classes are not permitted to carry the dog along with them. But the dog can be booked and carried in the Luggage/Brake Van paying the charges depending upon the type of train. Specially designed Dog Boxes are available in the Brake Van for this purpose. Pet owners can contact parcel office for more details about how to take your pet along .  If fellow passengers subsequently object to the dog remaining in the compartment, it will be removed to the Guard's van, no refund being given. Dogs detected unbooked with the passenger in IA and First class compartments will be charged six times the Luggage scale Rate subject to a minimum of Rs.50/- .so there are other rates also for travelling with your pet .

How to take care of goldfish

How to take care of goldfish

Some people love to keep fishes than in common they choose goldfish children also loves to keep aquarium in house , and so if you take more care of them they can live long life . choose a healthy goldfish with lovely fresh environment for them If you are keeping an aquarium  for the first time take some tips to care for fishes . When you inspect the fish tanks at the pet shop, try to take in the entire picture. If the tanks are full of sick or dead fish, the environment is overcrowded or the water is cloudy, you may not want to buy your fish from this establishment. It's never a good idea to choose a healthy-looking fish from a tank that contains sick fish because that fish will most likely come down with whichever illness the tank mates have.  Healthy goldfish have clear eyes, and their fins shouldn't appear clamped. Goldfish are very sociable, so it's usually less stressful for them if they have a tank mate or two. If you choose to use a goldfish bowl over an aquarium tank or outdoor pond, you will have to change the water almost daily because all goldfish in general produce a lot of waste and ammonia. By adding a layer of small gravel and a few living plants will help keep the water clean longer. If you are careful and act quickly to do the water change, you can probably leave the goldfish in the goldfish bowl you are cleaning. During this time you can scrub off any algae with a clean rag with no chemicals or detergents in it. We recommend an algae scrubber that you can get from your local pet store. You can add a drop of  water dechlorinator ,this will keep goldfish fresh .

There are dozens of types of goldfish food on the market today and they come in a variety of forms and ingredients. Goldfish are omnivores which means they eat both plants and animals. However, they are mainly herbivores and shouldn’t only be fed animal products. Many hobbyists only buy and use one brand of goldfish meal and their pets live long lives. Always ensure fresh correct food for fishes . make all settings before you start the aquarium at home and take proper care of the fish.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

How to care pets in summer

How to care pets in summer

Yes pets also feels hot in summers like humans. They feel more hot due to fur on their skin so it is necessary to take care of pets , birds. Like take them to walk or exercise daily in evenings and you can use doggie boots for pets , this is a good way of protecting him. Heat rises from the ground, especially on surfaces like cement and asphalt, and dogs absorb and release heat through their feet. Just like boots prevent the dog from absorbing the cold in the winter, they also isolate heat. We have to see they have proper water to drink .as they don't get dehydrated ,Dogs can't sweat. They cool off by panting, so an overheated dog will drool excessively. It will become lethargic, its eyes will be bloodshot, and it may appear a little pale. If you lift its skin, it will take longer than usual for the skin to fall back into place. When walking, try to stay off of hot surfaces (like asphalt) because it can burn your dog's paws;if it's hotter outside let it stay in house as to be comfortable . cats also needs to be taken more care , and make sure the pets take lots of water With people and dogs spending more time outside, dog bites are likely to increase in the summer months. Spaying or neutering your dog reduces the likelihood that he will bite and provides many other health benefits.
Another summertime threat is fleas and ticks. Use only flea and tick treatments recommended by your veterinarian. Some over-the-counter flea and tick products can be toxic, even when used according to in these way we can care about pets , never leave your pets in car,  Pets who are left in hot cars even briefly can suffer from heat exhaustion, heat stroke, brain damage, and can even die. Don't think that just because you'll be gone "just a minute" that your pet will be safe while you're gone; even an air conditioned car with the motor off isn't healthy for your pet. To avoid any chance that your pet will succumb to the heat of a car this summer, be sure to play it safe by leaving your pet cool and refreshed at home while you're on the road.

Even dogs can get sunburn like humans  White, light-colored, and thinly coated dogs have an increased risk of sunburn. Sunburn causes pain, itching, peeling, and other problems. To prevent sunburn, apply a waterproof sunscreen formulated for babies or pets. Be sure to cover the tips of your dog’s ears and nose, the skin around its mouth, and it's back. The best activity you can do in summertime or hot weather is swimming. Instead of walking the dog, take the dog on a swim! If you hold on and allow your dog to take you around the pool, it becomes a powerful bonding experience for the two of you, similar to the walk.

This way you can take care of your pooch summers

Why do dogs chase cars or why do they bark at it???

Yes sometimes it becomes a problem for pets as they chase the cars and then they get hit by one . It is best to try to avoid this nasty habit in the first place by not encouraging him to chase. If your dog steals something from you do not chase after him, call him to you with the "come" command and when he comes to you reward him. This basic obedience training will do wonders for your dog. Teach your dog to only chase what he can bring back to you. Just about all dogs like to chase; it is in their nature , when they do this we can teach or command them or teach not to do so . Putting in an underground electric or above-ground fence is your best bet. But if this is not possible or you would like to have your dog out with you outside the fence, you can try using a shock collar with a hand-held control. When the dog chases after a car you shock him. Do not say the word "no" when you shock him. You want him to associate the car with the shock and not the word "no" with the shock or the dog will do it as soon as you are out of sight. Some people may think it is cruel to use a shock collar, but it is worse for the dog to get hit and run over by a car. Nothing is better than a fenced yard . it is seen that when a dog see something moving fast they start barking and start chasing the car  Some dogs are so motivated to chase cars that they’ll even lie in wait at the side of the road or in a ditch and, as a car approaches, they’ll leap out to head it off. This is obviously a very dangerous pastime. Car chasers are often seriously injured or killed-typically not by the car they are chasing, but by one passing when the dog darts into the road. They can also cause serious auto accidents when drivers swerve to avoid them and are startled by their sudden appearance in the road. Even leashed dogs who are attracted to traffic can pose problems . If the dog starts to wander off the property, or the boundary you set for him, the special collar the dog is wearing shocks him. The dog soon learns his boundaries avoiding the shock, and he will soon learn not to chase cars as well. Use the collar as a training session. It is an effective method for stopping a dangerous habit.

Even street dogs run and chase the cars and even meet with accident so   If the dog starts to wander off the property, or the boundary you set for him, the special collar the dog is wearing shocks him. The dog soon learns his boundaries avoiding the shock, and he will soon learn not to chase cars as well. Use the collar as a training session. It is an effective method for stopping a dangerous habit. So you need to train your pets not to chase the cars to avoid accidents . you should calm down the dog when it runs or barks at the cars . Especially dogs who hate noise, are afraid of the sound emitted by vehicles when they start off, while they’re on the move or when they see cars entering their compound. Dogs may consider these cars as invading the area which they feel rightfully belong to them. They may bark at them in an attempt to shoo them off. The barking may also be in an attempt to warn others of the proximity of the car. In their eyes the automobile may be an intruder.  There are canines who have been injured by cars. They are once bitten, twice shy. On seeing cars, especially of the same shape and colour of the automobile which injured him/ her, he/ she barks in alarm.


Birds are free to move up in the sky . they are lovely creature of god .  Birds can seem to be everywhere during the day, flitting among trees,  the ground, visiting feeders and perching on every where .Like other animals that are active during the day, the principle nighttime activity of birds is sleeping. Birds choose how they sleep very carefully to ensure they can survive through the night, and they have certain tricks that help give them warning about predators or to protect them from the elements. Birds builds nest and stays close to their eggs .till hatched mall birds sleep perched high in trees, typically close to the trunk of the tree. The trunk holds heat from the daytime to provide better shelter, and the birds will be alerted to any vibrations or noises predators make if they climb the tree looking for prey.

While sleeping is the most popular nighttime activity for most birds, it is not the only thing birds will do at night. Depending on the time of year, birds may also work to attract mates or migrate to a new part of their range at night. Not all birds sleep on branches however. Waterfowl and shorebirds sleep near the water. Ducks often stand at the water’s edge or on a partially submerged stick or rock and tuck one foot into their body, much like birds do on perches. Some can even sleep with one eye open, as half of their brain is alert while the other is asleep. This is called unihemispheric slow-wave sleep .we see the different birds all over the world big ,small they all have various habits of living . If you’ve ever seen an owl, then you may know that some birds prefer to fly primarily at night. Nocturnal birds, like owls and nighthawks, wake up as the sun sets and hunt at night. During the daytime, they find a safe place and close their eyes to block out the light. By contrast, most birds are diurnal, meaning they’re awake during the day and asleep at night. These species will find something to perch on, like a branch or a windowsill, for the night. Then, the bird will fluff out its down feathers, turn its head around, tuck its beak into its back feathers, and pull one leg up to its belly before falling asleep. Sounds uncomfortable, right? Eventually birds sleep in ways they are , some sleep standing some , sleep in trees some under roofs of houses etc . some like to sleep in folks , in other way they all need sleep in night .

When it is raining they too take shelter . But many birds have another trick — they can switch off half their brain. We humans have two separate brains or hemispheres in our skull joined only by a tiny bundle of nerves called the corpus callosum. Each of our eyes sends information to each brain. But birds do it differently. The information from one eye goes only the brain on the opposite side. So the left eye sends information only to the right brain and vice versa.  

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Why do snakes and mongoose fights

Yes it is a truth that snake and mongoose fight , and they are enemies of each other mongoose are found in Africa , southern Europe Mongooses bear a striking resemblance to mustelids, having long faces and bodies, small, rounded ears, short legs, and long, tapering tails , Mongooses mostly feed on insects, crabs,earthworms, lizards, birds, and rodents. However, they also eat eggs . they are in wild animal category The Indian gray mongoose and others are well known for their ability to fight and kill venomous snakes, particularly cobras. They are adept at such tasks due to their agility, thick coats, and specialized acetylcholine receptors that render them resistant or immune to snake . In any fight between a mongoose and a snake . a Mongoose is bound to be victorious owing to its agility and fearlessness .But what , most people don't know is that most mongoose themselves die after a snake fight . because during the fight if the snake manages  to bite a mongoose But the venom takes effect later . mostly it is seen that mongoose gets wild when it sees a snake , Eventually it's a no-win situation but a mongoose will always attack a snake . Notably , in such scenarios the mongoose is invariably the aggressor. Sometimes if a snake is not venomous or agile enough the mongoose survives . Probably the mongoose. It is because the mongoose has certain proteins in its blood that can actually fight against snake venom.Also mongooses have very strong reflexses thus they cant be easily bitten by snake.So snakes fell as prey to mongooses .

It is not necessary that snakes get scared of snakes , but they smell each other and for defence they start gnawing at each other and gets more wild  It’s not necessarily that snakes become frightened when they smell a mongoose as much as they become wary. The mongoose is a fantastic little animal, resembling a stocky weasel and acting with prairie dog-like communication skills. It is naturally immune to snake venom and hunts serpents as a main food source. Mongoose urine has been used to repel snakes with moderate results, though the product is not available to the American public. Many countries in Europe and Asia keep mongoose as pets for the purpose of warding against snakes. Due to the little animal’s tendency to eat other creatures, its importation into other countries has been regulated. Some areas have experienced significant ecosystem damage from non-native mongoose population. Even a mongoose will not keep all snakes away all the time. Just like with an predator, the snake will acknowledge the mongoose scent, but unless it sees on, it may just proceed forward with caution.

Some snakes like cobra are very powerful and they are more dangerous than mongoose . they fight and kills mongoose but some venoms While mongooses do have a natural resistance to neurotoxins, the jury is still out on their resistance to hemotoxins—the stakes are lowered, but they certainly don't enjoy getting bitten. The hunting habits that they have developed are fascinating because their attacks on snakes almost always devolve into duels. There isn't a hunt and a chase, as when a lion takes down a zebra, just a fight. If you taped bowie knives to each of the zebra's limbs, the lion might have to wise up a bit.
Venomous snakes aren't built for prolonged battles and soon enough the snake slows down, or becomes more cautious at any rate. Becoming obviously less keen to strike at the mongoose each time he baits, the mamba eventually lashes out and Archie manages to pivot around to catch his opponent behind the head.Both fights till the end of path . they never end up they fight till one gets killed . The animal kingdom is full of creatures with fascinating equipment and methods, but to me it seems that the mongoose, courageous and sly in equal parts, is the one which a professional fighter should most hope to emulate….

some weird animals

In this world their are some animals which looks weird and you can't  keep them as pets so they stay in jungle where it is only place they can stay so get to know them a little

Lemurs They are cute and “child like”, but are not a substitute for human babies. Sure they are treated like babies with their owners putting them in diapers and strollers, but they also act like babies. But still you can't keep them as pets they look like monkeys Cougars, lions, tigers, and leopards make up the majority of large cats kept as pets. They are strong and dangerous, to say the least. Think you can just de-claw them like you did your little house cat, If you remove the tips of the toes of a large cat, they are unable to properly walk because of their size, and become paralyzed when done incorrectly. Plus, large cats like tigers kill their prey by biting their throats, not by clawing them to death. Animals which are rare on earth so you can exists animals , birds  like butcher birds very rare to be seen and prolong for short period Often, they'll leave their prey dangling on a spike while they go off to enjoy themselves, only to later return to finish the meal and  fly over and over for search of food .
Some monkeys look very different these monkeys are endemic to Borneo, living in jungles and mangroves. They feed on unripe fruit because the sugars in ripe fruit ferment in their digestive system and cause bloating so bad that it can be fatal. The males use their large, penis-like noses to woo potential mates, but it’s also thought that they may serve to amplify calls. Unfortunately, these monkeys are under threat due to deforestation and also poaching because they are considered a delicacy by some, and they’re listed as an endangered species.
So we should consider god's creature  don't  look usual but they  are amazing  small species of deer found in high altitude forests of Burma and China. They have a prominent tuft of hair on their heads which gives them their name, but they also look like an adorable vampire. Their fangs are long upper canines, which are similar to what you'd find in their close relative the muntjac. They're very territorial animals, and although they have small antlers the males use these sharp canines to fight over both territory and mates. There are  deers which looks like baby but are fully grown adult , strong and bold . some snakes look very dangerous and vigorous they are not seen regularly so world has all types of animals you cant exists  fishes which are deep in sea with different shapes and colours .

So we can  learn more about animals very less to be seen on earth they live in open air breath , leave amazingly ...on earth .

Tuesday, 21 June 2016


To put it simply, the best way to give your dog a pill is any way that gets him or her to swallow it. Seasoned pros may have the old “pop it in the mouth with one hand” trick down, but most people find that they may need to resort to more enticing methods to get the pills where they need to go.With some dogs, getting them to take medicine is as easy as haphazardly putting it in cheese. For other dogs, it can be a bit more work. There are different ways you can get your dog to take his medication. Take time to figure out what works the best for you and your dog, so that administering his medication is as simple of a process as possible.Get food your dog really likes. You need to override your dog's distaste for his medicine by offering him something he finds irresistible. Make sure to choose foods that are healthy for your dog, like plain meat, cheese, peanut butter, or yogurt. Avoid junk foods like candy or chips.Some medications come in a flavored chewable tab or liquid, with such enticing flavors as beef or cheese. Compounding pharmacies can often create medications that aren’t normally flavored with a better taste, though it’s often more expensive to get these medications made.If you give the vitamin orally, check with your vet on the recommended dosage for your specific dog breed.

Consult your veterinarian as to the appropriate dosage amounts when giving these types of liquids to your dog. If you’re trying to give a not-so-tasty pill to a pet, bribery is most often the method of choice. People use all sorts of treats to get their pet to swallow a medication, from Cheez-Whiz to peanut butter to wrapped in bologna. While low-tech, this can also get messy, and depending on the dexterity of the pet in question, some dogs can manage to suck off all the good stuff while leaving the pill behind.Deliciously plain yogurt is a healthy treat for your dog. Just as with humans, the live acidophilus in the yogurt keeps the good bacteria in your dog's intestines in balance, so that bad bacteria is swiftly knocked out. If your dog is on antibiotics, a little yogurt will also help keep yeast infections at bay (a common side-effect of antibiotic treatment). You can also give your dog acidophilus pills -- wrapping the pills in bacon is strictly optional. Puppies are especially prone to yeast infections, so a little plain yogurt as a snack (or even dessert) can help keep things in balance; especially useful while the intestinal system is building immunities.Puppies are especially prone to yeast infections, so a little plain yogurt as a snack (or even dessert) can help keep things in balance; especially useful while the intestinal system is building immunities.

Puppies are especially prone to yeast infections, so a little plain yogurt as a snack (or even dessert) can help keep things in balance; especially useful while the intestinal system is building immunities.  There are different ways of doing this, depending on the kind of food you use. Generally, the goal is to fold the pill inside, or push it into the food, such that it is securely hidden. Try different ways of hiding the pill in the food to see what works best for your dog You may want to try to wait until the dog is hungry, and then give two or three undoctored treats so that the dog gets a taste for them and looks for more. Then slip in the doctored treat, closely followed by another normal treat to get the taste out of his mouth.