Friday, 27 May 2016

How to train your dog for dog show

How to train your dog for dog show

Showing dogs, or "conformation" is a popular and enjoyable activity for many dog owners. It gives you a chance to build a stronger bond with your dog, and also to show off your canine friend to an adoring public. But, before your dog can trot to success, you need to train it for the stage so it can steal the show. This will be easiest if you begin when your dog is still a puppy. Make sure your dog is eligible to participate. Before you invest a lot of time and effort in training your dog, you will want to make certain your dog will be allowed to take part in dog shows Your dog must also be registered as a purebred with the appropriate breed club and conform to all breed guidelines.  If you got your dog from a breeder, they probably gave you the certification paperwork showing your dog is registered. If not, you'll need to contact the appropriate breed club. The AKC has an online directory you can use to contact the club Your dog must also be registered as a purebred with the appropriate breed club and conform to all breed guidelines.  If you got your dog from a breeder, they probably gave you the certification paperwork showing your dog is registered. If not, you'll need to contact the appropriate breed club. The AKC has an online directory you can use to contact .A great show dog is either made or lost according to how well she was socialized as a pup. A puppy may have perfect conformation, but if she's shy with people and wilts like a flower when you take her to new places, she will never perform well enough to win in the ring.Expose her to new places, people, situations, noises, etc. Get the right lead. When your dog walks out into the ring, you'll need to have it on the right kind of leash or "lead." The sooner you get one of these, the sooner your dog can get comfortable with being on it. Go online or ask at your local pet store for one of these:For a medium sized dog, you can use a martingale lead. These leads close up enough to keep your dog's head from slipping out, but don't tighten around a dog's neck like a choke-chain.  They also help to train your dog to keep its head held up high while showing judges their gait, and while stacking. Ringcraft classes can help you socialize your dog to other people and dogs. They can also help the dog learn to walk on a lead without being distracted by other dogs . In a dog show, judges will physically examine a dog, touching its body and mouth. A successful show dog will need to tolerate this without complaint.

  • A good first step in getting your dog accustomed to this is to to touch the dog all over its body daily, including inside its mouth. If you start this at a young age, your dog will quickly grow accustomed to it.
  • Next, begin giving your dog regular inspections that approximate those of a judge. Closely examine the dog's teeth. For males, touch the testicles. Do this on both a table and the floor, if your dog is smaller in size. While small dogs are usually inspected on a table, some judges will begin inspection while the dog is still on the ground.
  • Finally, when the dog is comfortable with your inspections, bring in a second person and ask ask them to do the same. This way, your dog will get comfortable with inspection by strangers.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Fishes needs care too

Fishes needs care too

In Britain, fish are now the third most popular pet after dogs and cats.The reason for the increase in demand for fish, according to a representative of Tesco, a large UK retail chain, is that people have moved to smaller homes and rentals over the last few years, and it’s not always possible or practical to own a dog or cat. Fish make truly wonderful pets for people who don’t have the time or physical space to devote to a higher-maintenance companion animal.Generally speaking, fish are easier and less expensive to feed and care for than other pets, however, they do require a proper environment and knowledgeable caretakers. Fish are quiet -- you never have to worry about a barking or squawking fish upsetting the neighbors or waking a sleeping baby.Fish can actually live longer, healthier lives and sometimes even grow larger in an aquarium than they do in the wild.Few fish get to die of old age in the wild. Fish that are too weak or slow will quickly become dinner.
Proper fish care is essential to the health and well-being of your fish. Taking care of fish does take a bit more than just feeding your pets, but it's not hard and the results are fun and rewarding. Although fish tank maintenance is not as time intensive as other hobbies, there are certain requirements for keeping any kind of pet and aquariums are not excluded.Fish tank care is a simple process. It takes daily fish care and set up a good tank maintenance schedule. Simply know how to clean a fish tank, do water changes, and maintain the filtration. Once you get your "hands wet", fish keeping is simple and very rewarding!Before removing water make sure to either unplug the heater, or lower it in the tank to make sure it stays submerged in order to prevent cracking. Also unplug the filter. If there are any snails or frogs in the tank, to prevent injury take some time to remove them from the tank while cleaning. Remove and scrub any plastic plants and other decor as needed. Just use plain water without soap, as soap residue can increase phosphates and cause an algae bloom.Remove algae from the glass using an algae pad or algae magnet. Do this before removing water so you will be able to remove algae debris with the gravel siphon. This will also help prevent the algae from spreading.Remove the filter media pads. Rinsed them with the water in the bucket (taken out of the tank) and then put them back in the filter. Don't use tap water to rinse the pads as the chlorine in the tap water will kill beneficial bacteria that is living in the filter media.Replace the decor, plastic plants, and anything else taken out of the tank.Empty and rinse the bucket, and then fill it with clean water, making sure that it is the same temperature as the tanks water.  Add a water conditioner to remove chlorine and add salt if used. Carefully start refilling tank with the conditioned water.Plug in the heater and filter, and wipe down the outside of the tank glass with the soft rag or paper towels.
Fish Care Tips When You Travel
  • Clean Tank - Do your partial water change and make sure the tank is full the day before you leave.
  • Change The Filter - Check to see if a filter change is needed and replace accordingly.
  • Feeding Your Fish - Do not overfeed your fish before you leave. You will only make your fish bloated, sick and constipated. It is not necessary to have someone feed your fish if you will be away for one week or less. If you will be gone a week or more, however, use one feeder block if you have a bottom feeder fish. For other types of fish, use a mechanical feeder or find a fish-wise friend to feed the fish for you.

  Proper fish care is very important and will help your fish live long and happy lives!

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

How to care your Birds

How to care your Birds

There are lots of different types of birds, and all sorts can make wonderful pets. Many birds enjoy close contact, which makes many of them nice, social and sometimes cuddly friends. Some just love to talk or sing to you, giving you friendship and relaxation. A lot of parrots will enjoy sharing meals with you, napping with you, and even showering with you. Pet birds love to interact with their human companions.Bird care starts with housing for your bird. Birds need a good environment that provides a

place to rest as well as places to play and exercise. Primary bird houses can be bird cages or an aviary.There are several options when thinking about the types of bird houses for your pet. You can provide a very large bird cage or a smaller cage along with a play area outside of the cage, often utilizing a playpen. You can also provide a flight cage for regular exercise or have an aviary. Aviaries can be either an outside aviary or and indoor aviary. Indoor aviaries can even be a 'bird room' type. All birds should be housed in a cage that is as roomy as possible, this is especially important for birds that will spend most or all of their time in the cageBirds need to be able to stretch their wings and flap them without hitting anything. They should also be able to make short flights, hop around and play with bird toys.Birds that live exclusively in a cage will need a space of three times their wing span as an absolute minimum, with more space being better.It is really nice if the cage is easy to clean. Many bird cages have a slide out tray and an easily removable grate  . Outside the cage you can provide a playpen along with safe bird toys. Bird cages should be placed in a draft free area that is well lit, but not in direct sunlight

some bathing tips for pets

Most dogs would rather skip bath time, but bathing plays an important role in the health of your dog’s coat and skin, helping to keep your dog clean and free of dirt and parasites. And of course, there’s the added benefit of making your pooch more pleasant to be around.While dogs don’t require daily scrub downs like we do, they do need regular baths — but just how regular depends on several factors, such as the dog’s environment and type of coat.Bathing once a month works for most dogs Of course, if your dog likes to go swimming, is obsessed with mud puddles, or lives in the country and does a lot of rolling in who-knows-what, then you may want to bathe more frequently than if that same dog lived in a condo in the ‘burbs.  To keep your dog clean between baths, brush vigorously and regularly -- preferably daily. This is good for the coat and skin, and helps the dog look and smell good. If you are allergic to your pet, wear a mask when you brush...brush outdoors or onto a newspaper indoors to aid in clean up...and wash hands afterwards.Wait until a puppy is more than five weeks old before giving him his first bath.Brush thoroughly and remove all tangles and mats, which you won't be able to unsnarl when the fur is wet. For badly matted fur, you may have to snip mats with scissors. Proceed with caution; it is easy to nick the dog's skin, and you do not want to do that.
Pick a suitable location for the bath, such as a room with a closed door. This will prevent the dog from escaping and will also keep the rest of your house from getting sprayed with water. Prepare the room by removing items that could be damaged by water and any items that could injure you or the dog as you move around. You can line the floor and other surfaces with a plastic sheet, an old shower curtain, large cut-open trash bags or sheet Gather your supplies: shampoo, brushes (you may want to use a shampooing brush), comb, washcloth and/or sponge, towels, cotton balls, mineral oil, petroleum jelly...and detangler and moisturizer if you use them. A soft brush is helpful in cleaning around paws. You can place the items in a plastic bucket for easy carrying and access...and open bottle caps beforehand so that you do not have to wrestle with caps while holding onto your dog. You may wish to put a few small tasty treats in a plastic baggie so that you can reward your dog for good, calm behavior.Shampoo. Use a shampoo formulated for dogs, and one that is gentle and will not strip the natural oils of the dog's coat. Do not use human shampoo, which is not the right pH for doggie fur and skin. Read the directions, and be aware that some shampoos and soaps are not appropriate for all ages or types of dogs. Oatmeal shampoos are good for dogs with itchy skin. Many people use dog shampoos containing chlorhexidine, which has anti-bacterial qualities. Avoid shampoos with insecticides, since the chemicals can be harsh. If your dog has fleas, use a gentle shampoo containing pyrethrin, pyrethrum or citrus oil.
Brush and comb daily. Check for fleas, ticks, debris, foxtails and skin conditions.
* To give your pet a waterless bath, sprinkle on baking soda and brush off the excess.

* And remember, you can also have a professional groom and bathe your dog.

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Common Disease in Birds

Common Disease in Birds

The four diseases that most frequently affect birds that use feeders are: salmonella, trichomoniasis,aspergillosis, and avian pox. All of these diseases are transmitted from one bird to another at feeding stations, especially when overcrowding occurs. Birds are also susceptible to mites and lice. There are many steps you can take to help keep feeder birds and people safe and healthy.
"Parrot Fever" is a form of the Chlamydia bacterium that can affect all hookbills. The disease is highly contagious and can be passed from birds to other animals, including humans. Symptoms of Psittacosis include difficulty in breathing, eye infections and inflammation, loose, watery droppings, and general lethargy.

Bird cages can become contaminated with bacterial pathogens. Birds are then infected from the exposure. A bird suffering from a bacterial infection may experience a runny nose, loss of appetite, wheezing and watery diarrhea. These viruses travel easily from bird to bird. Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections. regurgitation, diarrhea, tremors, imbalance, seizures, death within 48 hours of symptoms feather loss, beak deformity,diarrhea, lethargy, loss of appetite, death within two to four weeks of symptoms weight loss, swollen abdomen, appetite loss, depression, sudden death

Common Diseases

Salmonella:- The most common disease of feeder birds, Salmonellosis is caused by bacteria from the genus Salmonella and often begins as an intestinal-tract infection. Symptoms such as diarrhea, ruffled feathers, and lethargy usually occur. Birds who are showing symptoms usually die in 1 to 3 days.The disease can spread rapidly at crowded feeding stations as healthy birds eat food contaminated by the droppings of sick birds. Salmonella can be transmitted to people who handle sick or dead birds; always wear disposable gloves when handling infected birds. And wash hands thoroughly after touching a bird feeder or birdbath.

Trichomoniasis:- Trichomoniasis is caused by a group of one-celled protozoa and regularly affects many bird species. One strain of the parasite infects pigeons and doves and, in turn, their predators, such as hawks and falcons. In some strains of the disease, birds develop sores in their mouths or throats; because they are unable to swallow, contaminated food is dropped and consumed by other birds, thus spreading the infection.

Aspergillosis :- Aspergillosis is a fungal infection caused by the Aspergillus fungus, which can be found in damp or wet seed mixtures, in birds' nesting materials, or in landfills. Spores inhaled into the lungs and air sacs of birds eventually cause pneumonia and bronchitis. Sick birds experience labored breathing, weakness, and diarrhea, but will continue to take food at feeding stations until they die.

Situations & Solutions

Preventing Spread of Diseases at Bird Feeders

  • Clean feeders monthly using one part bleach to nine parts warm water. Soak the feeder in the solution for a few minutes, rinse, and air dry.
  • If uneaten food is accumulating in or under feeders, consider using less food or switch to a seed more to the birds' liking.
  • If birds are fighting over space at a feeder, consider adding more feeders to alleviate the congestion that can potentially be responsible for the rapid spread of disease.
  • Store seed  in airtight containers to prevent spoilage.
  • Avoid throwing large amounts of food on the ground or alternate ground feeding areas so that uneaten food does not accumulate and develop bacteria or mold.
  • If dead birds are found, stop feeding for a few weeks and thoroughly clean feeders and areas under feeders. Use disposable gloves when handling dead birds.

What are the most common cat diseases?

What are the most common cat diseases?

Cats are prone to a handful of specific illnesses, all with distinctive symptoms. Knowing what ails them and why will help you determine the right treatment to get them healthy again. Preventing problems, from viruses to worms, will keep your cat from being sidelined by discomfort. Viruses and bacteria can invade a cat's nose, throat and sinuses, causing upper respiratory infections (URIs). Feline calicivirus and feline herpes virus are the most contagious types of URIs. In multi-cat homes or shelters, viruses are passed through shared food or water dishes, grooming or sneezing. Secondary bacterial infections may develop along with the viruses. Stress and overcrowding contribute to URIs, and cats with flat faces, such as Persians, are more susceptible to infection. Outdoor cats and those that live in multi-cat homes have the highest risk of disease. However, indoor cats and "only cats" can get sick, too. The good news about cat illnesses is that most are easily preventable; the bad news is that once your cat contracts an illness, it can be very difficult to treat. It's also important to keep in mind that even minor ailments can suggest major health problems.

Some cats will immediately become ill upon contracting the virus; however, in other cats, symptoms of the disease will not manifest for several weeks. Feline leukemia can result in a number of conditions, including system-wide infections, diarrhea, skin infections, eye disease, respiratory tract infections, bla According to the Humane Society of the United States, there are more than 70 million feral and stray cats roaming the streets. Because stray cats often carry dangerous diseases, the best thing that you can do to protect your domesticated cat against serious illness is to keep it indoors. By staying inside, your cat is less likely to fight with other animals and risk the chance of spreading diseases through wounds. You'll also keep it away from infection-spreading parasites, including fleas and ticks, and prevent the kidney failure that can come as a result of ingesting poisonous substances such as antifreeze.

infections, infertility, anemia and cancer. Any severe chronic illness can be a sign of feline leukemia.

Even indoor cats can get worms. Roundworm is one of the most widespread forms, contracted from eating infected insects, rodents or birds or by contact with contaminated soil. Roundworms invade a cat's intestines, and can migrate to his bloodstream and organs. Spaghetti-shaped strings in his feces or vomit, a distended belly, dull coat, lack of appetite and diarrhea indicate roundworm infestation. A large buildup of roundworms can be fatal for kittens.

Cats get tapeworm, long and ribbon-shaped, from ingesting a flea that has consumed tapeworm eggs. The larvae hatch in the cat's stomach, attaching to its small intestines. Tapeworms sap nutrients; a feline heavily infested with tapeworms will lose weight and suffer mild diarrhea. Rice-shaped grains around the cat's anus and in his feces signal tapeworm.

. The best you can do is make sure your cat is vaccinated against the disease, and keep it inside to avoid contact with infected animals.

Some Expensive dogs breeds

Some Expensive dogs breeds
 dog breeds

Taking care of a dog can cost you thousands of dollars a year just for basic vaccines, food, and supplies.The dog is said to be man’s best friend. But some time these friends come so expensive – especially if they are purebred pedigrees.
Below you will find our list of the world’s 10 most expensive dog breeds.
(1) Saluki
       It is amongst the oldest dog breeds in existence. It is slim as a model, friendly to people and an independent breed. It weighs around 35 to 70 pounds and can live up to 14 yrs. Though it looks thin, it is attractive and has great stamina and fortitude.Also dubbed the royal dog of Egypt, Saluki is very attractive and can be seen in an array of colors.

(2)  Boerboel
The boerboel is a big, strong and intelligent working dog from South Africa. The boerboel is also called South African boerboel, or South African mastiff. This is a strong, well balanced and muscular dog that has short, broad, square and muscular cheeks. It has a wide and strong black muzzle., it is a very reliable, obedient, loving and intelligent dog that always tries to keep his master happy. The boerboel is fearless, alert and very active by nature and thus a good watch dog

(3) Pharaoh hound
The most interesting thing about it is its nose and ears which turn a rose color when it is thrilled and content. This breed weighs 45 to 55 pounds and can live up to 14 yrs. It loves playing outdoors and stay calm in the house. But watch out, Pharaoh hound is sensitive to medicines.One of the most expensive breeds in the globe, Pharaoh hound is powerful, good-looking and fast of all the breeds

(4)  Irish Wolfhound
This is the quiet one. Unlike 98% of the human population. And they can be sweet, unlike..ok, let’s not go there. This pure-bred is loyal and good with kids though they’re not known to play video games with kids-it’s assumed that the Wolfhound prefers to spend its life span of up to 8 years of life reading Garfield than playing games.

(5)  Rottweiler

A Rottweiler is like a desire. Unless you dedicatedly train it well during its young days, they can be hard to control later on. However, whereas giving desires a free run can have enjoyable effects, not so with Rottweilers. Extremely aggressive It can be overprotective if it sees that its family is in some trouble. This is a strong breed that requires proper training, socialization and daily walks. Its strength, intelligence and enthusiasm make it perfect as a devoted companion and police dog.

(6)  Chow Chow
The Chow Chow is  in our most expensive dog breeds list, which can fetch between $3,000 – $9,000. It’s originally from China, where it is referred to as Songshi Quan which means ‘puffy-lion dog’. It’s an ancient breed that dates back to around 300 B.C., Chow Chow is thought to served as hunting, birding and guard dog. It’s a medium-sized dog with a large head and round muzzle, recognizable by its blue-black tongue and lion-like coat. Loyal to their owners and prized by dog fanciers for their regal appearance.

(7) Tibetan Mastiff

Tibetan Mastiff, originating from Tibet, China, Nepal, Ladakh, and Central Asia. This is expensive breed, which can usually go for around $5,000 – $9,000. Now although one of these dogs made history by being sold for $2 million in China, it still doesn’t make it as generally the most expensive dog breeds. It is a flock guardian dog in most parts of the world, and thus sleeps in the day to be more alert at night.

(8) English bulldog
One of the most famous dog breeds in America, English Bulldog is a medium size dog with short legs. It is well known for its short-faced head and superb guarding facilities. Having shiny and excellent coat, It is comical and amongst the most docile dog breeds. Although it is a bit stubborn in nature, it is sure to please any bystander. Further, English Bulldog is good with other dogs.

(9) Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
If you are looking for a friendly, regal buddy, go for Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. It is a loving and energetic dog that is always wagging its tail. They easily understand what you want and respond well to obedience training. These fearless dogs are prone to ear infections, mitral valve disease, eye disease and back troubles. Make certain that that cavalier king Charles spaniel is warm after taking a bath.

(10) Lowchen

Lowchen, which looks like a toy, is a lively, happy and affectionate dog breed. It is eager to learn and faces very little difficulty in training. Also known by the name of little lion in German, this is a healthy breed that is always good with children. To stop tangles from forming, comb its coat daily and brush out the dead hair. Combined with its endurance, it makes for a superb pet dog.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016



Many children love animals, enjoy close relationships and learn life lessons from their own pets. However, there are responsibilities and risks involved when children and animals are together.It is important that children are taught the skills to behave safely around animals, and to prevent and recognise any problems that may arise.Teach children to always treat animals gently and calmly. Never hurt, tease, frighten, surprise or corner an animal.Separate children and animals including pets during noisy high-energy play, when food is present, and when the animal or child is sleeping. Never disturb an animal that is eating or sleeping.
There is a proportion of children who are injured each year due to an incident with a dog. Children five years old or younger are most at risk and are most frequently bitten by their own or a friend’s dog, usually in or around the home. Incidents are usually triggered by a child’s interaction with the dog during play, eating or when the dog is sleeping.. Children always need constant, close supervision when near dogs, especially during play when children must be gentle with leave a dog alone when it is sleeping or eating. Children must leave a dog alone when it lifts its lips, growls, backs away, raises the hair on its back or stares at you.Dogs need lots of exercise. Encourage your children to join you on walks with the dog. Remember to use a leash when walking your dog.Do not allow your pet to roam alone in a baby’s room.Don’t allow your pet to lick your child’s face or any cuts or scratches.Never leave a young child alone with an animal. Accidents can happen when children tease pets or touch them in a way that makes them uncomfortable.Don’t let your child touch a dog or stand near him during times of heightened excitement—for example, while the dog is eating; when someone comes to the door; or when the dog is barking at a squirrel in the yard or at someone through the window.
When choosing a dog to be part of your family, research what breed will be best for your lifestyle and environment. Training, socialising with adults, children and other animals, and keeping your dog healthy are essential.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016



Thinking of getting a pet but don’t want the responsibility of a cat or a dog? How about a guinea pig?Guinea pigs, or “cavies,” are short-tailed, rough-haired South American rodents (family Caviidae). Guinea pigs have always been one of the exotic pets I recommend most, especially for families considering a pet for the first time. Why are guinea pigs one of my favorites?  Guinea pigs are hardy. When cared for and fed properly, guinea pigs are generally very healthy animals. Like other pets, they can be prone to particular diseases — for example, dental disease and bladder stones in their case — but these conditions may be prevented to some degree with proper nutrition and regular medical checkups. Also, since guinea pigs are from cool climates, they don’t do well in hot, humid conditions. Keeping them inside lessens the likelihood that they’ll overheat and/or dehydrate.Guinea pigs can make rewarding animals for adults, or children with careful supervision from a responsible adult. An adult must ensure they are cared for properly every day Guinea pigs can live for 5 to 6 years so be sure you can commit to caring for them for their whole lives.

Guinea pigs can make rewarding animals for adults or children with careful supervision from a responsible adult. Remember that with any animals for children, an adult is always legally responsible for ensuring the animal is cared for properly. Guinea pigs are inquisitive and intelligent animals, and they can become friendly if gently handled from a young age. They can live for five to six years, though some may live longer.Safe wood flakes or other suitable absorbent bedding/litter ,Dust-free hay Hay and grass should form the majority of your guinea pigs’ diet. Good quality, fresh, dust-free hay must always be available for your guinea pigs to eat. Hay maintains healthy digestion and helps to wear guinea pigs’ teeth down, preventing them from growing too long or misaligned and becoming painful.Fresh, leafy greens such as broccoli and kale, or herbs and fresh dandelion leaves should be given to your guinea pigs daily but remember to introduce new foods gradually to avoid digestive upsets. Fruits such as apples, and root vegetables like carrots are high in sugar, so only give them in very small amounts as occasional treats. We feed our guinea pigs Pets at Home nuggets and recommend that you continue to do so when you take your new animals home. Sudden changes to the diet should be avoided as this can cause digestive upsets. If you do wish to change your guinea pig's’ diet at any time, introduce the new food slowly over period of about 10 days, phasing out the old food completely.

Guinea pigs need fresh water daily in heavy-based bowls or bottles. Check your guinea pigs’ water supply at least twice a day and make sure it does not freeze in winter. A bottle snug is ideal for your guinea pigs’ water bottles – it’ll help to keep the bottles cool and algae free in the summer and help to prevent them from freezing in the winter There are several options which you can use as a bedding material, which for example include wooden shavings, paper, hay, polyester fleece, cloth, etc., or combinations of some of these options. All of them have both advantages and disadvantages, and it finally is up to you which one will you use

indeed, there is much to learn. But don’t worry, we will be here for you – and not only here check for details for guinea pigs food , products on …



Many children love animals, enjoy close relationships and learn life lessons from their own pets. However, there are responsibilities and risks involved when children and animals are together.It is important that children are taught the skills to behave safely around animals, and to prevent and recognize any problems that may arise.Teach children to always treat animals gently and calmly. Never hurt, tease, frighten, surprise or corner an animal.Separate children and animals including pets during noisy high-energy play, when food is present, and when the animal or child is sleeping. Never disturb an animal that is eating or sleeping.
There is a proportion of children who are injured each year due to an incident with a dog. Children five years old or younger are most at risk and are most frequently bitten by their own or a friend’s dog, usually in or around the home. Incidents are usually triggered by a child’s interaction with the dog during play, eating or when the dog is sleeping.. Children always need constant, close supervision when near dogs, especially during play when children must be gentle with leave a dog alone when it is sleeping or eating. Children must leave a dog alone when it lifts its lips, growls, backs away, raises the hair on its back or stares at you.Dogs need lots of exercise. Encourage your children to join you on walks with the dog. Remember to use a leash when walking your dog.Do not allow your pet to roam alone in a baby’s room.Don’t allow your pet to lick your child’s face or any cuts or scratches.Never leave a young child alone with an animal. Accidents can happen when children tease pets or touch them in a way that makes them uncomfortable.Don’t let your child touch a dog or stand near him during times of heightened excitement—for example, while the dog is eating; when someone comes to the door; or when the dog is barking at a squirrel in the yard or at someone through the window.
When choosing a dog to be part of your family, research what breed will be best for your lifestyle and environment. Training, socializing with adults, children and other animals, and keeping your dog healthy are essential.