Common Disease in Birds
The four diseases that most frequently affect birds that use feeders are: salmonella, trichomoniasis,aspergillosis, and avian pox. All of these diseases are transmitted from one bird to another at feeding stations, especially when overcrowding occurs. Birds are also susceptible to mites and lice. There are many steps you can take to help keep feeder birds and people safe and healthy.
"Parrot Fever" is a form of the Chlamydia bacterium that can affect all hookbills. The disease is highly contagious and can be passed from birds to other animals, including humans. Symptoms of Psittacosis include difficulty in breathing, eye infections and inflammation, loose, watery droppings, and general lethargy.
Bird cages can become contaminated with bacterial pathogens. Birds are then infected from the exposure. A bird suffering from a bacterial infection may experience a runny nose, loss of appetite, wheezing and watery diarrhea. These viruses travel easily from bird to bird. Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections. regurgitation, diarrhea, tremors, imbalance, seizures, death within 48 hours of symptoms feather loss, beak deformity,diarrhea, lethargy, loss of appetite, death within two to four weeks of symptoms weight loss, swollen abdomen, appetite loss, depression, sudden death
Common Diseases
Salmonella:- The most common disease of feeder birds, Salmonellosis is caused by bacteria from the genus Salmonella and often begins as an intestinal-tract infection. Symptoms such as diarrhea, ruffled feathers, and lethargy usually occur. Birds who are showing symptoms usually die in 1 to 3 days.The disease can spread rapidly at crowded feeding stations as healthy birds eat food contaminated by the droppings of sick birds. Salmonella can be transmitted to people who handle sick or dead birds; always wear disposable gloves when handling infected birds. And wash hands thoroughly after touching a bird feeder or birdbath.
Trichomoniasis:- Trichomoniasis is caused by a group of one-celled protozoa and regularly affects many bird species. One strain of the parasite infects pigeons and doves and, in turn, their predators, such as hawks and falcons. In some strains of the disease, birds develop sores in their mouths or throats; because they are unable to swallow, contaminated food is dropped and consumed by other birds, thus spreading the infection.
Aspergillosis :- Aspergillosis is a fungal infection caused by the Aspergillus fungus, which can be found in damp or wet seed mixtures, in birds' nesting materials, or in landfills. Spores inhaled into the lungs and air sacs of birds eventually cause pneumonia and bronchitis. Sick birds experience labored breathing, weakness, and diarrhea, but will continue to take food at feeding stations until they die.
Situations & Solutions
Preventing Spread of Diseases at Bird Feeders
- Clean feeders monthly using one part bleach to nine parts warm water. Soak the feeder in the solution for a few minutes, rinse, and air dry.
- If uneaten food is accumulating in or under feeders, consider using less food or switch to a seed more to the birds' liking.
- If birds are fighting over space at a feeder, consider adding more feeders to alleviate the congestion that can potentially be responsible for the rapid spread of disease.
- Store seed in airtight containers to prevent spoilage.
- Avoid throwing large amounts of food on the ground or alternate ground feeding areas so that uneaten food does not accumulate and develop bacteria or mold.
- If dead birds are found, stop feeding for a few weeks and thoroughly clean feeders and areas under feeders. Use disposable gloves when handling dead birds.
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